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Local Governance:
Ease of living for every citizen. It's possible.

The Need for DPIs in Local Governance

Urbanization is the driving force of any country as it contributes to two-thirds of the economic output. Transforming local governance will not only improve the quality of life of citizens, but also will catalyze the country’s economic growth. Our Local Governance practice area, along with technology, advisory and a strong partner network catalyses an open digital ecosystem to co-create and deploy locally-relevant solutions that enhances ease of doing business and improves quality of life for all. 

2.5 Bn+

more people will live in cities by 2050, with most growth occurring in Asia and Africa

$4.2 Bn

people worldwide
lack access to safely managed sanitation services


Around 80% of India’s water is severely polluted because people dump raw sewage, silt, and garbage into the country’s rivers and lakes.

Streamline the entire waste value chain

Real-time decisions. Real-time service.

One stop, to manage resource and quality.

Powerful pre-built micro services for easy integration.

Our Local Governance Product Suite

Property Tax System

A self-serve facility for citizens and local government employees that provides easy tax assessment and payment services in real-time.

Citizen Complaint
Resolution System

A self-serve web and mobile based, easy-to-use and configurable product that offers prompt solution for effective resolution of civic complaints for citizens.

Local Business License
Issuing System

A facility for traders to obtain the trade certificate in a simplified manner and to ensure compliance with rules and safety guidelines.

Birth & Death Certificate
Issuance System

A self-serve portal for citizens to download birth or death certificates and pay for the services online

Water & Sewarage Connections

Enables citizens to apply for new connections, monitor bills, while supporting local governments in efficiently managing requests, billing, and revenue collection- all from one place.

Works Management System

A facility for traders to obtain the trade certificate in a simplified manner and to ensure compliance with rules and safety guidelines.

Fire Safety Certification

A self-serve product for citizens and local governments to seek and issue fire safety certificates to a building respectively in a fast, hassle-free and user-friendly manner.

Residential Construction
Permit System

A mobile and web-based product for professionals like architects, engineers and supervisors to seek permission for the construction of a building from any Local Government.


A mobile receipt processing system that is tightly integrated with finance to enable local governments collect all miscellaneous revenues.

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