Indore, India – The Urban 20 India event, focused on “Reinventing Urban Governance for Indian Cities,” took place on May 18, 2023, in Indore. The event was hosted by the Indore Municipal Corporation and arranged by the All India Institute of Local Self-Government, in collaboration with the National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA), the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, and the Government of Madhya Pradesh.
Chandar Muthukrishnan, COO, eGovFoundation, participated in the panel and emphasised the benefits of open data as a #digitalpublicgood. During the discussion, he also elaborated on the challenges of multiple applications, user apprehension & data fragmentation and how integration and capacity development can play a vital role in addressing these obstacles effectively.
At eGov Foundation, we believe in the power of open data to revolutionize urban governance and improve the lives of citizens. By making data accessible, we can unlock its immense potential to drive innovative solutions, informed decision-making, and inclusive development in our cities.