Case Study
Public Grievance Redressal for Urban e-Governance in Andhra Pradesh Insights from Guntur & Visakhapatnam
At a glance
The eGovernments Foundation (eGov) is a non-profit, mission-driven organization, established in 2003, that aims to transform urban governance in India through DIGIT (Digital Infrastructure for Governance Impact & Transformation), its flagship technology platform. DIGIT helps ULBs efficiently manage operations, track finances, and provide municipal
services to citizens.
DIGIT is an open-source and open API (Application Programming Interface) based platform that allows developers, corporations, and people to create new applications and solutions. It is an MIT licensed software that allows the users to use, the right to modify and distribute the software and its source code.
The government of Andhra Pradesh had the objectives for the standardization of Municipal Governance processes across all ULBs, improved service delivery to citizens through technology, data-driven municipal governance that leveraged real-time transaction data, and
Improved employee tracking & accountability across ULBs.
In 2015, the Government of Andhra Pradesh signed a contract with the eGov Foundation for the digital transformation of its 110 ULBs by bringing them onto a single platform. Before the implementation of DIGIT, Andhra Pradesh had call centers and grievance numbers as a part of Public Grievance Redressal (PGR). Cities like Kakinada, Guntur, Vijayawada, and Rajahmundry had their respective websites in place which acted as information portals.
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